We Really Are What We Eat!

The amazing progress of science and medical research has now reached the stage where they can say that what you end up like is not all due to your genetics.

Current research into nutrition studies in cardio-metabolic health by King’s College London as one of many centres, that has over 15,000 twins involved, is revealing how our bodies process food plays a huge part in what we’re like. Controlled tests show that despite identical DNA, identical twins can react very differently to the same foods. This is due to differences in their gut, which is where the microbiome is to be found.

Your buying a box of fresh fruit and/or vegetables, puts you in a great starting position to improving your health. Current thinking is that a diet that includes at least 30 different plant based produce will help keep you in better shape. This includes nuts and seeds alongside fruit and vegetables, and with a bit of careful planning is not difficult to achieve over three meals a day, seven days a week.

It’s now known that the body has five main health systems, of which the microbiome is one. In our gut there are over 39 trillion bacteria, which break down the food we eat to be used in helping look after our health. There are foods which we now know are better to feed our microbiome, and thereby us, such as oats, broccoli, mushrooms, beans and pulses, and kiwis, which are an amazing good health supporting fruit all round. There are some interesting items, such new knowledge about regularly eating fermented produce like kefir, sauerkraut and kimchi, as well as my favourite, dark chocolate. But not just any dark chocolate though, it has to have at least 85% plus cocoa content and no added sugar or sweeteners, so check the label! Two squares a day and it ticks lots of good health boxes.

A wider ranging diet also opens you up to the potential of how fresh produce can help in the fight against illness and disease. It is being proven that eating certain foods, mostly organic, can improve the bodies ability to fight the spread of cancer and even assist the body in getting rid of it. Scientists have found out how certain cancers spread through certain types of blood vessels and identified foods that help to restrict their growth.

To me this sounds like science fiction, but as understanding improves, more research is undertaken, as we get more data and make use of our frankly amazing computers these days, there will be a greater light shone on the amazing power of eating a wide ranging diet that includes a high percentage of fresh fruit and vegetables, and then it all becomes science fact.

So here’s to all the amazing people working to increase this understanding and share their amazing discoveries. We really are what we eat.

Happy eating and thanks for buying our boxes!



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